Saturday, December 22, 2012

A Not-so-quick Summary

I apologize to anyone who actually takes the time to check this blog. It has been a couple of months since the last post, but I am sure you are aware of that. I believe I left off in September and here it is now the end of December and you are wondering where I might be. Maybe?

So, here is a quick summary of the last couple of months:

The beginning of September had Dude and I travel to Stockholm just the two of us. The au pair came and stayed with the kids and played taxi driver/homework monitor for a long weekend. Sweden is not a cheap place to visit. It is one of the most expensive, if not THE most expensive, place to see in all of Europe. Yes, even more pricey than London and Paris. I've been to both of them too and can vouch for it. It was a lovely place though. Incredibly clean. Everyone is friendly. The food was great. A great amount to go and see. Dude's favorite was, of course, the Vaasa Museum. We were in there 4.5 hours. If he doesn't understand how much I love him to stay in there that long, than he is a fool.

 Mine, of course, was the Nordic Museum; so many examples of traditional textiles and everyday living over the course of hundreds of years.

It is definitely a place I would encourage you to visit. I would go back in a heartbeat if given the chance. 

At the end of the month, the girls and I went to Berlin to participate in a swim meet. Both girls are swimming competitively and are enjoying the opportunities. We went a couple of days early to do some exploring of the city and took a tour with our group. It was very interesting to see the city that I had heard so much about. My father in law is from there as was most of his family. Family we will never get to meet as the war made sure of that. But to hear the stories and have the addresses to look at when we walked by made the city seem all that more important to the kids. We did visit the iconic sites. We received some not nice glances while posing at the Brandenburg Gate, youngest daughter says, "Wow, this isn't all that big. Paris' gate was MUCH bigger." Yikes. Snap the picture, quick! and get back on the bus.....

I have been out and about a bit. In October, when I should have posted, the family and I had been a couple of places but were in the midst of the school's fall break. A week long holiday that proceeds the end of the first quarter so the entire school takes off. Nice. If you are not working and have the flexibility to jaunt all over Europe, it is definitely the bee's knees. As most Europeans do, they all take off to some holiday home/resort and enjoy the break. We did a little bit. We went hiking in Luxembourg. Beautiful weather. Beautiful trails. And a royal wedding the same day and we didn't even realize it. That would explain why everyone was so incredibly decked out and we looking like, well, like dirty hikers who have no clue that the royal family was celebrating anything. Tourist.

I did manage to get started on the Christmas knitting. I made up 7 knitted advent wreaths. Nope. Didn't take a single picture of one. I will try to go back to a couple of the recipients and beg for the opportunity to snatch a couple before they are put away for the year. Otherwise, you will have to take my word for it. I also did start a pair of socks. I've had the yarn marinating for several years in the stash and felt it was time to actually make something with it. Plain vanilla socks was just what the striping called for. Cruised right along with the first and was busy knocking out the second when I broke not just one needle, not two needles, but a total of three needles. Yes, you read that correctly, three needles within a week of each other. UGH! I was so upset. Especially because they were the really nice rosewood double points. So, the second sock is just sitting there laughing at me. And I am okay with that.

This brings us up to November. With two birthdays, Thanksgiving, and starting a new job, the month really flew by for all of us. The youngest child hit the first double digit. We really struggled as to help her celebrate the milestone in a significant way we were doing for the other two. (All three kids this year had significant milestones. Middle child we took to Paris to help celebrate. Oldest we took to London to help celebrate. Youngest felt as though Berlin was her celebrating so it was okay.) Anyway, back to Oldest- he turned 18 on the 18th. We asked him what he would like for his birthday. He replied with wanting to see London before leaving Europe. Without sisters in tow. So we did. We arranged for the au pair to come for the girls and the three of us flew to London for a long weekend. Boy, did we pack it in too. London Eye, Big Ben, Crown Jewels, London Bridge, London Tower, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, Changing of the Guards, Jack the Ripper Walking tour, rode a double decker bus, the Tube, the Train, went to the Aquarium, Spamalot in live theater, and best of all- Skyfall. Oh, how I want to go back. I could read all the signs and understand all the tours....

So, now it is December and we are fast approaching Christmas. We have not gone anywhere this month. We were supposed to go to Malta, a small island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea after Christmas, but since I cannot due to full time employment, the trip has been postponed.

With that in mind, please come and visit when you can. We are officially half way done with our assignment here. This is the first forewarning. There is only 1 year left for visitation. Once the 6 month mark hits, we will not be able to accommodate late comers for housing or time off to take people places. There is too much stress involved with packing out for stateside relocations and car shipments back to take on the additional stress. Movers come even earlier. Please consider the trip sooner than later. We miss you.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Is it that time already?

New beginnings are so exciting yet so deflating at the same time. The excitement of what is to come overshadows the feelings of loss as the realization this is the last time this will be his first day of school but the emotion still simmers under the buzz. My oldest is a senior. This past month he signed a contract to enlist in the Air Force. He has already decided his destiny and is no longer dependent on my thoughts and opinions. Who would have ever 18 years ago looked at the two of us and thought we would be at this point? Both still alive and both still sane and both liking each others company.

When my youngest child was born, I immediately took on the attitude of what if this is the last time she wants me to hold her hand? What if this is the last time she wants me to read her a bed time story? So each day was to the fullest experienced together with no regrets. Unfortunately, not so with my oldest. I was too young to be his mum. He too strong willed for me to enjoy. Yet, I look at him now and am so impressed with who he has grown to be. I dare not speak of word of that to him, though. It would only inflate his already fragile ego and embarrass  him completely. Hmm- maybe I should save it to the most opportune time.

School has began again for us here in Never-Neverland. Another year to push, pull, and stretch each other to what we think is our breaking point only to come to the final conclusion we weren't so inflexible as we originally thought. A good pruning always proceeds the best crop. So we begin with sharpening our scissors.

On that happy note, my scissors were in use recently. I finished the Camp Loopy Project 3 just in time. Originally, I tried to complete it in conjunction with the Ravely games that coincided with the famous ones held in London this year, but a quick holiday to Paris, France derailed that idea completely. We remained so busy that week in Paris that I did absolutely no knitting. And I was completely okay with that. Again, I regress, but more on that trip in a moment.

Pattern: Helm's Deep. It is definitely an intermediate to advanced. I would NOT give it a beginner or advanced beginner rating. The chart was a bit complicated with too many different symbols. A bit confusing really. Very technical in understanding and I believe I may have misunderstood one section, but was determined to complete the project so barreled ahead at what I did understand. It still came out lovely and has finished drying. Yarn: Madelinetosh Tosh Sock. 3 different colorways: Antique Lace, Stovepipe and Copper Penny. The pattern called for 2 skeins of Copper Penny but I finished with only 1 and still had a bit left over. (Hence my thought I might have done something wrong) Otherwise, the finished product is quite lovely. Now on to the rest of the series in this collection, all inspired from the books of Lord of the Rings. For your viewing pleasure, I give you Helm's Deep.

Now, a bit about our latest excursions. Middle child, oldest daughter celebrated a birthday this month. She turned 13. The problem with her birthday is that many of her friends are on vacation or we move or have just moved and therefore doesn't know anyone. So many of her past birthdays have been "Oops, is it really your birthday already?" statements. This year, we didn't move, we aren't getting ready to move, and it was a special one. Officially, she is a teenager. UGH! She's too young to be one. What do we do to make it special? We went to Paris.

Really, what 'normal' American young girl can say, "For my 13th birthday, I went to Paris." We live in Europe. Why not? So we did. And a BLAST was had by all. (Except maybe Dad.) Originally, it was to be a girls only trip, but Dude got nervous. (Not sure if he was nervous about us going by ourselves or going by ourselves made him nervous or going by ourselves and showing no restraint in shopping, eating, and sightseeing made him nervous.) All in all, he asked if he could come and be our bodygaurd/luggage carrier/bag holder/ ATM. So I took the decision to the council and council agreed as long as he understood his place in going. Chiefly- ATM/bag holder/crepe securer. He agreed to those conditions. WOW! What a trip. Beautiful weather. Perfect position of flat. Great time was had by EVERYONE! So without further adieu, here for your viewing pleasure is Paris.

So on this final note, happy knitting and just a friendly reminder only 121 more days until Christmas. Have you started your holiday knitting yet? hee hee hee.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Trying to slow down?

Summer Vacation is half way over and I don't think where I currently live has felt like summer for the most of it. Only the last couple of days has it been truly warm enough to feel like I was missing my air conditioning.

Though to continue with my being gone stint, I was only home the month of June for 6 days, the first six of the month. Otherwise, I was in the states visiting people. Quite a few people. It was great to see old friends, make a couple of new ones, get some wonderful spinning lessons in, design some flowers for a friend's wedding, meet my newest family member, and hug my folks. It has been a year since I saw them (unless you count Skype or FaceTime- which I don't.) But the whole time I was there, it was MUY CALIENTE!!! HOT! HOT! HOT!! So hot, that when I returned here, I had to wear my Smartwool to stay warm for the first week as the high never got above 64. My family thought I had really lost it and wondered if they were ever going to get me out of the house. It didn't help that it rained for the next two weeks solid. But luckily, it is very nice out now. So why am I inside updating this blog? Because I have some finished projects that need to be shown off and I am excited to document them.

First up is Meg's Troussau. I don't think she remembered choosing the pattern when she was visiting me one weekend in Virginia. The latest knitting magazine had just come out and she was procrastinating finishing up a project herself and found it. I knew it needed to be done for a special occasion and wanted to make it just right for her. So it seemed only appropriate to knit it for her as a wedding gift. I chose her favorite color and found a shirt she liked that fit great on her while she was visiting me here. Went back to the store and took the measurements so I could get it right without her knowing it. Though I never did get a photo of her wearing it. Not sure if she even liked it, but it was done with complete love and that is what matters.

Just so her new husband would not feel left out. I knit him a pair of socks as a gift. Being that he is German and has immigrated to the states for this marriage, I found some German flag yarn and made them matchy matchy so he wouldn't feel too out of place, but he is such the type of guy that would wear something like this no matter what. Regardless what others think. So when he is homesick or watching an European Football Match, he can wear them to show his pride. Unfortunately, I didn't get a photo of him with them on either.

On to what I do have photos of: Meliai. It was a nice shawl knit using a worsted weight yarn. I used Dream in Color Classy for it. Great knit. Great pattern. Great yarn. I chose this pattern to complete a challenge for the on-line yarn store The Loopy Ewe. They have a summer knit-a-long they call 'Camp Loopy' but everyone choses what pattern and what yarn to use. So it is the best of both worlds. I completed it.

The second project for this virtual camp was a bit more tricky. More yarn to be used. I fell in love with this pattern the moment it was published. Though, the designer is WAY smaller than me so I needed to increase it quite a bit to get the fit that I enjoy. That made the pattern go on FOREVER! It took me up to the last moment to get it completed in time. The good news- K2 really likes it, but she is a HUGE Dr. Who fan from the BBC as well so it might be enjoyed by her more than I. I used Lorna's Laces new yarn line called Solemate to create this shawl. Supposedly, when you are hot, it will cool you down, but if you are cold, it will keep you warm. Go figure?!? I only know that whichever fiber they used to blend with the wool, does NOT keep its color. This has bled like a over-stuffed stuck pig. My sink is now a lovely shade of blue blush....

I never did show you any photos of what my darling daughters made for me for my birthday. A sheep out of cardboard and paper. The oldest one designed it and the youngest was a great assistant retrieving more boxes, paper, and tape. Overall - keeping me from entering the room while they were busy butterflies. They did a terrific job and I was incredibly touched by their thoughtfulness. I don't have the heart to throw it away but each time someone walks into the room, they mistake it for a dog. ha ha ha.

One last item of note, while I was gone in June, my oldest went to his first prom. The young lady that he took was a friend that he met while on a school trip. They have quite a bit in common and, yes, they really are just friends. I think they looked great together (again knowing they are just friends.) The good/bad news - I did like her and she moved back to Canada this summer.

I've done so much traveling since the beginning of May: Turkey, Idskenhuizen, Ramstein AB, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington DC, Virginia, Ohio, Missouri, Michigan, Alabama, Back to Europe, Ulm, and we have even more planned before school starts again in August. One day, I will post some of the pictures so you too can see.

Until then, keep cool, keep sane, and keep knitting.

Monday, June 4, 2012

A little late is better than never

So this month found me at home only 5 days. I have been traveling quite a bit. I hope to post more pictures soon. As my birthday just occurred and I found myself reviewing my life and goals, I came across this list on a blog. The things I have done are in blue- I was surprised at how many have already been accomplished, and some important one’s I’ve missed, but luckily there is still time to complete them, and will probably have a good portion of those that are still to come done within the year. (That is definitely one benefit to living in Europe- places no longer seem so far away). And yet, some, I hope, I will never do! Enjoy and let me know what your list looks like.

Happy Knitting!
1. Started my own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band

4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than I can afford to charity

7. Been to Disneyland/world
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Skied in the Alps
10. Sung a solo
11. Bungee jumped

12. Visited Paris
13. Watched lightening at sea
14. Taught myself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty

18. Grown my own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitchhiked
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill

24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping

27. Run a Marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice

29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset

31. Hit a home run

32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person

34. Visited the birthplace of my ancestors

35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught myself a new language

37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person

39. Gone rock climbing (indoor)
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt

43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa

45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had my portrait painted

48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris

51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain

53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China

57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen

61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching

63. Got flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp

67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy

70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar

72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square

74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job

76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone

78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in perso
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican

82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had my picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating

88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club

93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby

95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a law suit

98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee

100. Rode an elephant

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I often wonder how people who post daily on blogs have time to actually do all the stuff they say they have done. Are they making it up? Are they saying all the things that they want to get done but yet because they sit and write about it, they never have time to actually do any of it?

I manage to get about an hour a day of just sitting and vegetating. Allowing my mind to wander where it may. Contemplating the hard things: like world peace, ending hunger, how to get an oil stain out of a cotton shirt, you know- the really hard stuff. And then the problem lies if I sit too long in one attitude, it makes it even harder to change. So I tend to leave the vegetating to the last bit of the day just so I haven't squandered the whole day. Granted my day usually starts before light. (That was ALOT before light a couple of weeks ago, since we sit so far North now, but in a couple more weeks, I have the feeling the sun will be beating even me up). But I tend to go hard all day. If it is not scheduled, it is hard for me to work it in to get accomplished. Some say that is a bad thing, but for an adult who recognizes her own faults, it is a wonderful coping mechanism to my ADD. (Though at my house, we don't call it that. We call it ADOLAS- Attention Deficit Oh Look A Squirrel. There are quite the number in my family that suffer from this shiny, sparkly, that looks like more fun attitude. So keeping to a schedule/timer allows me to be semi-productive.) 

All that to say, I still have not accomplished a lot of knitting in the month since I have last spoken to you. But, again, I have been very busy. Or at least attempting to look busy. 

The kids had a wonderful two full weeks of Easter Holiday. That never ceases to amaze me with living here. With how much time everyone takes off. I can understand it for those of us who are not permanently living here. Hey, we are here. Let's travel. But those that actually call this place home still take off an incredible large amount of holidays. Yet, still manage to get all of their work done. One can truly see a complete different culture on how they view work. Here- they work so they can live. It is not the end all to be all. They take pride (for the most part) in their job but they see it for what it is. A job. Too many in the states, live so they can work. What their job is is who they are. The job defines them. Their job defines them. So when they loose it or have to change, they have a massive identity crisis. It becomes a vicious cycle. How do we stop it? I don't know. In my evening vegetating state, I can't get past the oil stain on the cotton shirt so I haven't given it much thought. Maybe next month. 

But I will leave you with a couple of photos that should make you smile. It almost looks like we moved to Ireland instead of Never- Neverland we have seen so many rainbows. I don't care. They are a wonderful reminder that I am not alone. No matter where I am. 

Oh, and I did finally finish one project. Here he is: A Little Fat Blob.

Happy Knitting.

Friday, March 30, 2012

March Madness

Have you ever felt like you were on a merry-go-round? Never able to focus on any one thing, but able to see so much fly by you that it all became a blur without ever really being on the contraption? That is what this month has felt like. I really am starting to think the whole 'March Madness' has more truth to it than I care to believe.
The month has flown by and, really, what have I to show for it? Two items were completed. Two. That's right. You read correctly. Yet, where did the month go to? I taught every single week knitting lessons and even threw in a spinning one. I haven't the confidence to really do it justice but she was patient. I don't think my dutch neighbor is going to go off and purchase a wheel anytime soon though because I was about as clear as mud in describing the techniques and positions for your hands.

All that to say, this past week was quite lovely. It was a bit short notice, but I had a fantastic time! I spent the week in Vienna. Yep. The political seat of power and music in the 18th and 19th century. Boy, do they have some 'castles'. The 'hunting lodge' I still get a snort over that statement as there is NOTHING as big as it in the states. And it was just their summer residence. HA! If only.

But, I did start two new projects while on the trip. One is just a toy that has been on the list for quite some time, but just needed some down time between big projects. The plane ride was perfect for it. Now it just needs assembly and it will be ready for giving and picture taking. Next post for certain. The second project is just getting started. I have high hopes to knock it out over Easter holiday. Lots of driving and sitting planned.

I did finish two projects this past month.

The first was the first quarter challenge for The Loopy Ewe. The idea was to knit a project with silk in it. Can I just say, YUM?!? It turned out lovely, if I do say so myself. I have actually had quite the few compliments on it. The pattern very straight forward and simple. I did manage to screw it up a couple of times, but really, I blame that on NCIS. Three new episodes to download. I kept loosing my place. The pattern is 'The Noble Cowl." What I really liked about it was that she gave the stitch repeat count right off the bat, so I could enlarge it without frustration. So I did. Casted on 165 instead of what she did as I looked a bit larger than she. Plus, I wanted to use up every last gram of the yarn. Any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.

The second project was an Owlie Hat. At first, I was hesitant to make it, but managed to knock it out in one night. I can totally recommend this pattern if you are under the gun for a truly last minute gift need. Other than time needed for drying once it was blocked, I had it done with only two new episodes of Merlin. Really. And since I was lost because I never watched season 2, I probably could have done it in one if I didn't need to pay attention more to the television.

So, unfortunately, that is all I have to offer in way of knitting porn this month. Lots still on the books to do, but lessons are picking up as is volunteering. By getting out more, I am out more. But by being out more, I pick up more people who want to learn to knit. By picking up more people that want to learn to knit, I inevitably, end up getting out more. Really, I should just learn to keep my needles at home and then I would actually get more knitting done. Sheez.

And on that note, most of the sheep in my area have had babies. OY!! Are they STINKIN' cute!!! I love running by them in the mornings. They start to run with me along the fence and then I get to giggling that I can't keep running. hee hee hee.

Happy Knitting.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

February 2012- Jaunting around

Good Day Fellow Knitter,

I am always hesitant to post before an event as I am sure I will want to share something once it is done. This time is no different. I apologize to be so late in the posting but now that we have arrived home safe and sound, I am free to share with you the latest adventures.

Since the last posting, I have traveled, traveled, and traveled. The first excursion was my own personal holiday. At the last minute, kind of, I was asked to join a dear friend in Hawaii while she was there on business. Her generous gift of sky miles made it possible if I could manage to get stateside. Luckily, there was a Space A hop right outside my back door and I could take it. So take it I did. 28 hours later, I found myself on a beach in Waikiki, Hawaii. So far from the -3 degree gray weather that I constantly was pinching myself. One full week was just not enough time to soak up more sunshine. I laid on the sand, snorkeled in coves, swam with Giant Sea Turtles, watched Giant Whales breach the surface, and sailed next to Spinner Dolphins. Of course, I did manage to get a bit of knitting done as well. But if you can see the big black ship over my right shoulder and can guess that it is indeed the 'Black Pearl' from the Pirates of the Caribbean movie series, than you would be guessing correctly. Cool, huh?

On the flight over, I cranked out a Ruffle Bandwagon Scarf. I call it that because right now it is the craze here with EVERYONE having at least 2. Plus, they are stupid easy. It is not really even knitting. At least in the traditional sense. And quick. So those of us with ADD, have no fear. Your scarf will be done before you can even think to become bored. Bonus- only 1 skein needed.

The second leg of the journey, I managed to start and finish a Potato Chip scarf. Rightly named due to the fact you rarely can knit just one. The problem I had with mine was, I didn't really like the yarn. Too much acrylic. Worse- I only purchased 3 skeins. That might seem like a lot of yarn, but each skein had only 87 yards. Bulky yards. And I was in Hawaii. I purchased the yarn in Aachen. It turned out VERY short. Done. But not at all what I wanted. So, no more potato chips for me.

(I thought I had a photo ready, but alas- I don't. Instead, here is a better picture to hold its spot for when one is done. Thank you for your patience.)

Remember me telling you about my visit with Meg in Saarbrüken? I had just finished my Ice Queen Wimple and she fell in love with it. But blue just doesn't do her justice.So, I took it back. Promised her a green one (with a yellow tint). Well, don't say I don't keep my promises, because here it is. And even better than the first. I'm really quite pleased with the second even more than the one I am keeping. I chose a dark emerald green with gold foiled lining as the accompanying beads. That I think is what makes the cowl. I've already mailed it to her, I'm just awaiting confirmation that it has been received.

All that knitting was done in Hawaii. But what I have done since then? Let me tell you. We drove down to Heidelberg to visit Dude's grandmother. At almost 91, the decision was finally made to move her into a Senior Assisted Living Home. I really do think it is for the best, but it was very difficult for the brothers to make the decision and then find one that her doctor will still attend to. As we drove down, of course, it was my opportunity to begin a new project. And I did. And I finished it as well. A wonderful new cowl from Dream in Color and their February Dream of the Month yarn. The pattern was fantastically written and the yarn perfect accompaniment. Knocked it right out of the park. I must say, photographing red is proving to be a bit difficult. You cannot rightly see the wonderful cables that pop in person.

Once we returned from Heidelberg, it was crunch time. Our flight for the next week was o'dark hundred Saturday morning and I'd five people I needed to pack up for. Flying Ryan Air is always an adventure and I wanted to minimize the trauma of such chaos by packing extremely light. The week of course became one of the craziest it has been since moving here. I began teaching again so I had classes three days that week on top of all the other regular scheduled activities. No knitting for me was done. But planning I did. And packing I did. So I packed what I planned.

While in Italy, we managed to hit several of the highlights: Pisa, De Vinci's home, Rome, Montalcino, Chiusi, and the highlight (at least for me) was going to Narni (in Roman times the city was called Narnia. Yes- THAT Narnia was indeed based off of THIS Narnia. I'm still so excited to have actually been there.)

And while I was looking out windows and riding trains, I was knitting a wonderfully easy pattern called Owlie Sleep Sack. It's a newborn contraption. NOT for us, but for our landlords who are expecting another grandchild. New babies are great to knit for. That was started and finished on that trip.

So, dear friends, you can see that I have not been slacking on posting for lack of content to share, but only out busy making content to share. And on that note, I will leave you with a couple of photos to show you what great times were had.

Keep Knitting.

P.S.- I spoke of this knit in my last post but had not included photos of the finished item. Well, here it is. The Dipped Infinity Scarf Find Me A River kit from Sunshine Yarns. Dani does a fantastic job. I knit it up and donated it to the American Spouses Club Charity Auction. I believe the final bid price was 65 Euros. Not bad....

Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 2012- Indefatigability

Happy New Year! What a year 2011 turned out to be. I cannot tell an untruth, I am glad it is behind me. Yet, how exciting to begin anew with a fresh start. So much hope and plans for 2012. Not so much resolutions, but maybe indefatigability. (It's a really cool word- indefatigability. Look it up!) Anyway- back to the point- my Ravelry que has officially reached 300. My stash of yarn is well beyond that. My fiber has filled one too many containers. There is not enough time in the day, week, or year to even make a dent in it.

And that is okay.

That is part of the understanding and accepting of indefatigability. That I am here and that is not going to change without some cosmic interference. Since I know that I am here by divine appointment, accepting this assignment, this placement, is what needs to occur. Then indefatigability occurs.

So, I begin this new year with the post that will show off my last finished object of 2011. The Ice Queen.

This pattern had been in my que since it was first published. I instantly fell in love with it. I promptly purchased the yarn. Found the beads by accident while exploring a new store. Printed the pattern. Put the pattern with the beads with the yarn in a ziplock so as not to soil the yarn in storing it. Then promptly forgot about it. Until Christmas. My in-laws were visiting and I knew they would want to travel with us. So I went in search of a 'mindless' project to knit in the car. As I was pilfering my stash I came across the ready made kit and felt like an idiot. Here is was waiting so patiently for me while I was tearing across the world in search of something. How could I not knit it now? There were no more excuses.

And that has what brought me to my moment of self-discovery.
Indefatigability. There is SO much I want to do. Finish my degree. Complete the Master's Program. Publish a pattern on Ravelry. Visit 10 new (to me) countries. Speak fluent Dutch. (Remember my Spanish and German.) Run a half marathon. Attend SOAR.

How can I do it all? By being indefatigable.

Will I accomplish all of this? Probably not. But this time next year, all I can hope is that it will be said of me that I was indeed indefatigability.

Until the next time, happy knitting.