Friday, March 13, 2009

So back to the Drawing board

Two more weeks and I am off to Sock Camp. I am SO looking forward to it. It has been a complete rollercoaster ride as to if I was even going to make it. Let me explain.

I bought a house. 
Dude went on  a trip and while he was gone, I got tired of waiting around for him to make a decision. So, on Monday, I found a house. On Tuesday, I went and looked at the house. On Wednesday, I emailed him pictures. On Thursday, I got financing for the house. On Friday, I made a verbal agreement with the owner on the price of the house. On Saturday, Dude went and looked at the house with the contract for the sellers to sign. We close in two weeks. 

In this whirlwind, I managed to finish a couple of projects and, of course, start some new ones. Here is an update: Completed- 
Be mine socks, 

Virginia Shawl, a bath mitt, two webkinz blankets, 15 swatches for a Melissa Leapman class (which I didn't get to take, but had a great time visiting friends in Ohio. Oh, and by the way, Dad is doing great. Mom is better as well.), and 6 swatches for Sock Camp homework. 

What has been started or worked on- I ripped back the Green Cardigan as I didn't like the sleeve transition and I noticed I was off on my decreases. I continue with the Hemlock, though I often wonder what I was thinking starting a third one for and restored the balance to a couple of the sections that was off. I am currently working on the swap bag for my spoiler for the HSKS7. 
I have also started the January installment of Rockin' Sock Club.
 I LOVE the yarn. I am getting ready to begin working on the mascot that I need to knit up for Sock Camp. Oh- I just had a fantastic idea..... knitting up a baby....a zoey with the mini......a big one with Blue Heaven..... Sorry so cryptic. I will explain more next time. Hopefully, with pictures. 

BTW, It is official. 
We need a new camera. This is the kind of picture that it wants to take. But, obtaining a new one won't happen till after the house. Unfortunately, I just realized, this means another move. Another move. ::shaking head::What was I thinking? 

It is on the water. Did I mention that yet? Our new house is on the water. We have water. The Bay actually. YEA!